
Last week I went to Jakarta because my grandmother was sick but now her condition is pretty good and just recently I got back to Malaysia and this time, mama followed me! I brought mama to KL and all she can do is; SHOPPING!

1st day we went to the curve.. We dined in at TGI's. Mom loveeees TGI's so much. I do know why. Lol. Qistina was so excited because they both shopped like they're in heaven. Dad gonna kill us soon when he sees the credit card statement. Hihihi

The next day we went to Pavilion.. Gosh I love this place. Heaven place to shop but it is a little bit pricey! I bought new handbag from Prada while mom managed to buy a new Gucci purse. Because qistina had to go to school, we bought her new tops from Juicy Couture. I dont know why she likes Juicy Couture because I found the design is quite silly. And yes, as usual, I bought this new perfume from Chanel. Perfumes are my current obsession (yes, I've overcome my obsession towards shoes! ).

I had fun shopping and spending time with mama, bowling, karaoke, sigh, how I wish our family could be back together and forget the past and start fresh? Oh by the way guys.. I created a formspring account. If you have any questions you want to ask.. ASK ME! Look forward to answer your questions! Till then people, XO.


Ya Ampun kalian..

Uda lama bgt gwe gak update blog ini.. Udah brpa bulan ya? Anyways.. I just want to tell you guys that I'm at Jakarta right now.. Oma gwe kondisi nya lagi gak berapa memuaskan. Doain ya semua :(

Uda 4 hari gwe berada di Jakarta.. gak pasti lagi bila mau pulang ke KL.. minggu hadapan barangkali.. nasib aja final exam gwe udah selesai.. Urm.. oh yea malam tadi gwe dapat panggilan dari daddy.. Dia bilang mobil baru gwe uda sampai! Happy banget! Thanks daddy I love you so much. I just cannot imagine how's my life without you.. Di sebalik yang pahit ada jg yang manis dalam hidup gwe..

Rindu banget sma mama.. Gwe rasa lebih tenang berada di samping mama.. Ya uda jam berapa ni.. Nanti aj gwe update yea.. Tata..


Gwe lagi bahgia buat masa sekarang! Everything seems so perfect with just allowing one person to enter and share their life with you.. Gwe jarang sekali ngapdet blog karena tiap malam gwe lagi busy! Hehehe since he came into my life.. everything has changed.

Everynight we will spend our time together.. bilang aja mau kemana, tau2 aja udah sampai! Gak pernah gwe rasa in vibe begitu kuat kayak gini.. Makasi ya tuhan dan teman2~


Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian kesenangan.
Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian cinta sejati.
Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian kebahagiaan.
Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian bisa dapat apa aja dihajati.
Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian teman yang baik hati.
Punya uwang gak janjikan kalian APA-APA.

Udah laahh, gak perlu bangga-bangga sma harta sementara kepunyaan nyokap n bokap lo.. Gak kemana-mana, bisa habis juga dong. Gak perlu ribut-ribut ya? Gwe lagi menyampah.

Sampai kapan?

Udah lama gwe gak ngapdet blog ya.. Gak busy sma study but busy hang out with my friends.. Gwe baru dapat panggilan dari agensi mana gwe gak ingat, but gwe tlah ditawarkan kontrak acting in this one drama in Jakarta.

But gwe lagi reject deh. Gak punya masa mau ke jakarta. Gwe cuba nasib ke casting while I was on holiday last year in Jakarta. Ermm gak ada rezki nampak nya.. Lain kali aja deh. Mau casting di Malaysia, gwe gak bisa ngomong bahasa melayu dengan baik. Ermm maybe I should stick to modelling only.


Tomorrow is my birthday...

who wants to come and party with me?


Sisters Day Out!

Kelmarin aku lagi ke Pavilion with my sister.. She wants to watch movie so bad.. Ngak banyak pilihan movie ntuk ditonton.. Punya Avatar..Legion..Tooth Fairy and urm.. I can't remember.. We decided to watch Valentine's Day movie.. aduhh romantis bangat! Hehehe

I like that movie.. Terus..khas buat yang sedang pacaran, aku lagi recommend kamu pergi nonton ya! So sweet! After the movie we went to Carlos for dinner with daddy.. Aku pulang jam 10.. At 1 my cousin lagi datang visit aku..udah lama ngak ketemu.. Hehehe ngomong2..we slept at 5am.. Hihihi

Trailer for Valentine's Day! enjoy guys!